Academic Counseling
Developing strategies to maximize your approach to learning; developing more effective, reading and writing strategies; and addressing learning strategies for managing ADHD.
- Time management
- Distractability
- Procrastination
- Perfectionism
- Organization and planning
- Decision making
Career Counseling
Explore your interests, skills, values and how to use that knowledge to inform your exploration of possible careers; learning how to engage in and trust oneself in the career decision making process.
Developmental Concerns
Learn how to help yourself with the adjustment to college/graduate school, making friends, pursuing romantic relationships, and learning to trust oneself in important domains such as school, work and relationships.
Life Transition
Gain skills and support to deal with challenging transitions and life experiences.
- Managing health concerns
- Acclimating to a new culture
- Getting married
- Changing jobs
Communication Strategies
Develop healthy and effective communication strategies to improve your relationships with friends, family, and co-workers.
Stress Management
Increasing the capacity to manage stress and developing the ability to use healthy coping strategies through in-session guided relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, and learning strategies for developing adaptive thinking patterns.
Crisis Management
Talk through your immediate reactions to a recent loss, break up, or a life transition.
Practice Specialties
Anxiety & Depression
Increase the capacity to manage anxiety and depression. Develop coping skills to enhance daily living.
Develop coping skills to manage difficulties in core areas such as organization/planning, reducing distractibility and managing procrastination.
- What ADHD means to you in terms of your strengths and limitations
- When to self-disclose to friends/family/supervisors
- How to talk about ADHD with others
Explore the distinction between motivation for healthy achievement and overcoming some of the pitfalls of perfectionism.
Loss, Grief, Trauma
Gain skills and support to engage in the grief process and begin to heal from the loss of a significant relationship in your life, or the experience of a traumatic life event whether experienced or witnessed.
Relationship Issues
Learn to trust oneself in relationships with others. Develop healthy and effective communication strategies to improve your relationships with friends, family, and co-workers.
Life Transitions
Gain skills and support to deal with challenging transitions and life experiences.
- Managing health concerns
- Acclimating to a new culture
- Changing jobs
Self Exploration
Explore feelings and thoughts to increase self-knowledge and insight .