Stress Management, Mind-Body, & Wellness Therapy
I have studied the research in the field on the mind-body connection and I have explored it in my personal life through my daily wellness practices. My belief is that if you want to have a healthy body then you have to have a healthy mind and spirit, and vice versa. I encourage my clients to put as much time, energy and financial dedication to their mental well-being as they do into their physical health and appearance. We are whole beings and need to attend to all of ourselves – mind, body and spirit.
In our sessions, I will help you identify the areas of your life that need to be attended to in order to help you achieve greater balance and well being. For instance, you may be satisfied with the areas of your life that involve financial stability and health, but you may be less satisfied with the areas that involve time spent with family and friends and personal reflection time. We will explore what a balanced life means for you, identify what factors are preventing you from living that life, and commit to engaging in work both inside and outside of session to help you make that life a reality.
One of the most common areas that clients identify as creating imbalance in their life is stress or anxiety. Sometimes the stressors in our lives are unusual – a significant life event – and sometimes they are part of daily life – academic or work deadlines, relationship conflicts, or even traffic. Regardless, these can all be experienced as external threats and trigger a stress response - known as the “fight or flight response.” Biologically our body gears up to respond to a threat so that we can either fight off the threat or flee from the threat. However, in modern society most of the external threats we experience are not actual physical threats, rather they are psychological stimuli. We need to train our minds and bodies to work together to recognize such threats for what they are so that we can control our response to them. I will teach you mind-body strategies to help you manage your stress levels and find peace as you engage with both significant life events and the daily demands on your energy and time.